Susan has been flown across the world to launch new products for Dell, announce the annual results, mergers and acquisitions of FTSE 100 companies for many years, but when Covid struck, she acted fast, converting her home voiceover studio to a fully-broadcast green screen facilty.
She has since hosted virtual conferences for the United Nations, international press panels for world leading corporations such as Aveva and led discussions with Schneider Electric, Rio Tinto and Petronas.
At the height of the pandemic, Susan chaired the announcement of the $5 billion acquisition by OSIsoft to a worldwide audience.
She was commissioned to interview business leaders for Fortune Magazine on a range of topics around sustainability, digitalisation and transformation.
To be congruent with the messages that Susan helps business leaders to land around sustainability, she continues to offer a virtual service as a moderator and conference chair, but has also developed a hybrid model.
Most recently she opened and chaired the ISO (International Standards Organisation) conference from London’s Queen Elizabeth 2 conference centre to more than a thousand delegates joining virtually, representing more than 200 countries.
The UK government, Council of Europe, UK Prime Minister’s Girl Summit, The Royal College of Midwives annual conference and Zero Tolerance to FGM events are among Susan’s long term physical clients.
Susan was the host at the recent industry awards with IiRSM. I don’t think I have ever been to an awards dinner where the host has taken so much care to prepare her talk to ensure relevance to the organisation, the topic and the audience.
So many hosts think it’s about them and Susan made it about the audience and enhancing their enjoyment and their celebration of hard work and achievement. This is a model of how hosting should work and was truly professional. Witnessing a master of her craft at work. Thank you Susan. Highly recommemnd
Heather Beach, MD, The Healthy Work Company